Sunday, April 22, 2007

Change and Grow

The fact that I'm turning 20 in July yet still resist to accept changes in life, I found this poem that means something to me. Unpredictable consiquences and unstopable changes. Do we remain or do we twist and turn, it all depends on us. As hard as it is for me to accept the truth and the dark side of this world, I pray hard that I will always remain concious, learn from it... and grow.

Goodbye to the past. And I shall welcome every new day with gratitude. With much appreciation to complete all challenges, and to treat everyone with full loan of love.

I love you. That's all I want to say...

People change as time goes
Some change fast, some change slow.
Who will we be when we all get old?
Will our hearts be warm or become dark and cold?

If we change, do our hearts change also?
Does love change who we are
or does it change our hearts into gold?
Does change, change what's in our souls?

Is it bad to change when our last
chapter of life is to be told?
If we change, and our friends change,
will I then be left all alone?
After we change,
will there still be someone there for us
when we fall and can't get up on our own?

Sometimes change helps us grow
Sometimes change makes us have to let
the things and people we love go.

Change may be something we want or don't.
Change may help us and sometimes it won't.
All we can do is go with the flow
And hope that good things will then follow.

Stories of changes may be told
And many will someday be retold.
Don't be afraid of change; let it show.
Memories are things that you must hold.
Don't be ashamed of who you'll become,
for we all change and grow.

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